Saturday, April 15, 2023

Day 4860

Grocery day isn't as easy as it used to be. Stores always seem to be out of the items on my list. I had to go to several stores to find strawberries. I had a hard time finding the shredded wheat I eat for breakfast too. I couldn't even find the dry roasted peanuts I usually buy. I needed to get more coffee today and I almost bought Lousiana style Coffee+Chickory. I couldn't remember what Chickory tasted like though and didn't want to end up with a case of coffee pods I didn't like.

The traffic is terrible on Saturday now. It didn't used to be this way. It doesn't matter what time of day I leave the house. It always seems to feel like rush hour. The parking lots at some grocery stores are treacherous. I think you run a bigger risk of having an accident in one of these parking lots than on the road. Whenever people see an empty spot they rush to grab it before the next guy. I survived, but I'm really beginning to miss living in a small town.

I think I figured out why I haven't heard anything about the Viasat-3 launch. They just announced that the launch has been postponed until the April 24th. Many of the other April launches have been postponed as well. I don't have a clue what is going on now, but I'm not going to worry about it. If it is meant to be, I'll go. Some of the other launch photographers are actually coming to Texas now. They want to see the first Starship orbital launch on Monday. One of these days I'll make it down to Boca Chica, but for now, going to Florida is much easier. There aren't a lot of places to stay on South Padre Island or Brownsville and hotels fill up fast when a launch is imminent. There are lots of snakes too and Space X frequently changes Starship launch dates without much notice. OK, I'm just making excuses. It's mostly the snakes.

It was a good day for walking again. The temperature was in the low 70's with light clouds. I keep looking for the eagles, but they have been very illusive. They abandoned the nest they built earlier in the year, but they are definitely still in the area. We saw one of them two days ago. I need to start carrying a better camera with me just in case I see something interesting. My phone is good for wildflowers, but not much else.

If I knew that the Viasat-3 launch wasn't going to take place until the 24th., I might have made plans to go out to the observatory for their annual Dark Sky Week. On the other hand, I haven't heard any calls for volunteers this year, so maybe they don't need me anyway. I wish that place wasn't so far away. It's very peaceful out in West Texas. Of course there are lots of snakes out there as well. Texas is full of snakes.

I wish the little Chinese restaurant in our neighborhood hadn't gone out of business. We felt like Chinese tonight and I had to drive a lot further to pick something up. One-by-one, a lot of my favorite restaurants are disappearing. Whenever we do go out to eat, the restaurants are usually crowded, so business ought to be good. I don't know why so many restaurants are disappearing. At any rate, dinner was good tonight. I just wish the places I like were closer.

I guess I'll go mall walking again tomorrow. I really should rake leaves as well. First things first though. It's time for Dawn's Sunday outing again.

Krissy is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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