Thursday, June 15, 2023

Day 4921

The weather won today. For the first time in ages I didn't go on a long walk. I didn't even think about it. The temperature was in the nineties and today's humidity was the highest ever recorded in Dallas. It seemed like a good day to go back to the gym.

I must not get out much because I noticed all sorts of new thing on the drive to the gym. The DART trains seemed to be running at half speed. I wonder why? I got stuck at a crossing forever waiting for two trains to pass. One of the streets between my house and the gym was completely closed. Why again? My favorite rib place seems to have new owners. The sign on the building has changed. Actually my gym seems to have new owners as well. I couldn't sign in with the old app on my phone and had to download a new app from a different company. Has it really been that long since I've been to the gym? Maybe so.

I thought I'd do the same exercise routine I regularly did five years ago and got a rude surprise. It was a lot harder this time. Where has my strength gone? The hand bicycle was much harder than it used to be. I tried running on the treadmill instead of walking around the indoor track. This worked pretty well to get my heart rate up, but I can't remember the treadmill being this strenuous before. I methodically worked my way through  most of the machines I used to use and marveled that these exercises used to seem like a piece of cake. I had a good workout, but strangely didn't seem to burn any more calories than I typically do on my long walk. Apparently climbing up and down hills and sweating in the hot sun is good exercise too.

I'll probably continue going back to the gym until this horrible weather has run its course. Not only was it hot and incredibly humid today, there was also an air quality alert. Maybe the Canadian wildfire smoke has reached as far south as Texas now. It was certainly hazy today. When we took our sunrise walk with Dawn this morning I thought the hazy sky was fog. Nope. It was probably smoke. It was reasonably nice outside when we took Dawn on her early walk, but as soon as the sun peeked above the horizon I could instantly feel the air get warmer. Dawn didn't get an afternoon walk today. It wouldn't have been healthy for her.

I was pretty industrious this morning, but did virtually nothing this afternoon. Watching TV no longer seems to be a viable option. I'm sick of the endless stream of political news on the cable channels. Do they even know that other things are happening in the world? The broadcast channels are even worse. They seem to be filled with mindless game shows. Social media had become depressing as well. Instagram used to be a great showcase for talented photographers but has been taken over by influencers. My Facebook feed is just a sad list of lost dogs, people trying to re-home dogs, and rescue groups begging for foster homes so they can continue to help dogs. There just seems to be an endless list of dogs in need these days.

I'll be glad when cool, overcast days return. The park is empty on days like these and I can take my walk in peace, counting ducks and trying to identify wildflowers. I daydream and get lost in my thoughts on a long walk. Not so much at the gym. A trip to the gym feels more like mowing the grass. I do need to work on my upper body strength though, so I'm going to make an effort to go there more often this summer. At the moment it would be insane to spend much time outside.

Shadow is today's Dalmatian of the Day

Watch of the Day

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